Systems Biology

From 2005 to july 2007, I was working as a PhD student at Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans-Knoell-Institute, Jena / Germany, within a cooperative project concerning causes and therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. The aim is the systematic construction and validation of a sound, complete and non redundant knowledge base, such that reasoning about temporal properties of gene regulatory networks is possible. For first results see the following contribution to ICFCA'07 (International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis), Clermont-Ferrand, 12 to 17-2-2007:

Attribute Exploration of Discrete Temporal Transitions

An application of conceptual hierarchies and attribute exploration to the structuring of a database of natural products and to gene regulatory networks related to Bacillus subtilis and to human rheumatoid arthritis:

Talk at HKI Jena on 24-5-2007

A paper for Algebraic Biology 2008, Hagenberg, Austria:

Constructing a Knowledge Base for Gene Regulatory Dynamics by Formal Concept Analysis Methods

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