Regulatory Networks or Biological Ontologies

I am highly interested and qualified in (too?) many domains: philosophy of science and language (diploma in theology), quantum physics, cosmology, evolution, pedagogics - foundation of a free alternative school -, mathematics (diploma), text mining, programming (Java, C++, R, Prolog, etc.), music (West African drumming), German / English / French contemporary literature,...

Now I want to specialize ... - in a general area: knowledge representation by formal concept analysis (FCA). This rather young (25 years) mathematical discipline is based on a formalization of conceptual hierarchies. It already has multifarious applications in data mining, economics, software engineering or semantic web. As a PhD student at a molecular biological research institute in Jena, Germany, I was introducing FCA methods to systems biology. The subject of my thesis is "Attribute Exploration of Discrete Temporal Transitions - Constructing a Knowledge Base for Gene Regulation". It is supervised by Prof. Bernhard Ganter, University of Dresden, Institute of Algebra.

Since the related project finished in july 2007, I am looking for a position as scientific assistant in Germany or Europe, part or full time, short or long term, within the areas:

I would like to use, among others, FCA methods, but I am willing to adapt the focus of my work and thesis to your research interests.

For further questions or suggestions, please contact me at jwollbold "at"

Johannes Wollbold, Erfurt, Germany

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